Holistic Heights offers Yoni Steaming (Vaginal Steaming). An ancient practice used in many indigenous cultures for thousands of years to promote healing, balance, and maintain a healthy female reproductive system.
We are the first and only business offering Yoni steaming in the Central Pennsylvania area for well over 5 years now.
Nadra-Rae (Owner & Practitioner) has received this traditional practice over 20 years ago from her mother and is also a Certified Yoni Steam Practitioner. Many of our clients travel from outside of the Pennsylvania area to receive this offering.
Yoni Steaming, also known as V Steam addresses the needs of the Womb as well as the body, mind and spirit of the Woman. This steam bath sends womb strengthening, toning & fortifying herbs through the vagina & cervix, into the fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus using a gentle warm steam. Women participating in this Vaginal Steam Bath immediately feel relaxed and free of the stress of the day.
Yoni Steaming Benefits:
*Fertility Aid
*Hot Flashes
*Yeast Infection
*Womb Trauma
*Fibroid Cleanse
*Cellular Support
*Bladder Support
*Helps relieve pain
*Hormonal Support
*Hemorrhoid Relief
*Miscarriage Support
*Menopausal Support
*Weight Management
*Natural Detoxification.*Healthy Ovary Support
*Helps regulate menstrual cycle
*Reduce Inflammation and Bloating
*Tones & Strengthens Uterine Muscles
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